We create breakthrough software products to drive progress invarious spheres. From digital twins to co-working tools and innovative 3Drendering, our goal is toexpand theboundaries ofthepossible
Implementation ofbusinessideas
Investment support
High returns for investors
Join our business incubator. Welaunch 2-3startups ayear, providing afull set oftools for their success
We will review your project and provide assistance insecuring investments and expanding your business. Thetimeframe for closing thedeal does not exceed two months
Contact us if you want to invest incutting-edge projects and achieve significant returns. We are ready toprovide that opportunity
We are developing IT companies in various areas: collaboration management, software development tools, digital transformation in industry, game development, and medical technologies. We take pride in our projects and strive to enhance theindustry together
Get ready for anepic adventure inthediverse world of anew game inthestyle ofMetroidvania! You will encounter mysteries, dangers, andchallenging obstacles, along with plenty of tasks and rewards awaiting you
Sibe is acloud platform for thesecure exchange of 3D designs. Itsimplifies theprocess ofsending files for review, allowing you toreceive feedback from clients in ashort time andcoordinate thework ofcontractors from any device
First sales. Seed funding from lmity Group received
Сurrently in alpha status. A pre-seed funding from lmity Group received
Business incubator
We aim forcontinuous development and thecreation ofreal value. Imity Group works atthe crossroads ofinnovation andpractice, launching 2-3successful startups ayear. Every talent from around theworld is welcome tojoin our platform, where we implement your ideas in milestone-based phases
Conjecture generation
Strategy development
Your idea will be thoroughly analyzed and enhanced by our experts
We help create sustainable growth models, financial development models, and provide essential materials for attracting investment
Investment promotion
You'll gain access to awide range ofinvestors interested in innovative projects
Hypothesis testing
Creating a separate legal entity forsuccessful projects
Our methodology, based on extensive experience proven over time, will help you test your hypothesis quickly and choose the best path for development. Furthermore, thisapproach will save you time and resources by allowing you to make informed decisions early in the development process
Most promising projects will spin offinto independent companies and receive our support throughout their entire development lifecycle
Imity Group is not just an investor; weare your partner ateach stage ofproject development. Together, we will establish the strategy that ismost relevant for your startup
We are highly experienced insupporting startups from theinitial stage up tothesale ofthebusiness toastrategic partner. We help manage thedifficulties on your business path, find product-market fit, scaleup sales, andenhance thevalue ofyour business
Access to our sectoral and investment contacts will allow you toobtain financing for your startup, as well as enter into partnership agreements for therapid growth ofyour company
Venture fund
The Imity Group supports startups attheseed round, focusing onmedical technologies, software development tools, andthedigitalization ofproduction. We are also open toaccepting projects from other sectors. Themost important factors are aninspired team and aready prototype